The Staff Says…

Growing Dome Greenhouse Temperature Monitoring: Episode 7

Just over a week ago, Pagosa Springs received some much needed snow. Overnight, more than a foot of wet snow blanketed trees and mountains surrounding our little town. It’s unusual for Colorado to receive such wet, heavy snow, and much of the town actually shut down for a snow day! Although county employees and teachers...

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Snow and the 2015 Harvest Tracker: Episode 6

The Snow and Cold are Here! Until a few weeks ago, the Growing Spaces team and all of Pagosa Springs, CO was still waiting for our first big winter snow. Impatience for this important seasonal event ended just a few days before the Christmas holiday when the clouds finally dumped a good amount of fluffy...

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Winter Vegetable Harvest: Episode 5

It’s winter vegetable harvest time, and we hope to make it a holiday tradition. The long awaited snow and winter cold has finally arrived in Southwest Colorado, but our lush garden in the 15′ Growing Dome continues to produce yummy, nutrient-rich greens. The longer season crops we planted in October are also coming along nicely,...

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Thinning Vegetable Crops: Episode 4

Welcome back to the 15′ Growing Dome! We are glad you’ve decided to join us again.  Following along with our project will continue to provide you with valuable gardening tips and information, as well as show how, really, anyone can grow fresh, nutritious food in a Growing Dome, all year-round! Thinning vegetable crops is a...

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Planting Seeds in October: Episode 2

It’s October 1st, and we’re planting seeds! At the beginning of our new project in the 15′ Growing Dome, we heavily amended the soil in the outer growing beds, where we direct seeded many greens and vegetables. As we constructed a new interior bed to increase growing space with the goal of maximizing production in...

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IMPROVED! Gallina Polycarbonate Glazing

Please review our new polycarbonate greenhouse page ! As a socially responsible and green business, we are always seeking ways to source materials Made in America. Products Made in America supply valuable jobs that support our economy, and reduce fossil fuel use due to shorter transport distances from suppliers to our manufacturing facility. We often...

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Peace as a practice taught through gardening

There is an intangible, but equally empowering peace that comes with the practice of growing our own food. Have you taken the time to understand where this peace comes from? In understanding the roots of this peace we can find ways to expand on it and move the practice over into other parts of our...

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33′ Growing Dome Installation at Shumei Natural Agriculture Garden

“Off Again To High Adventure”with Richard Miller, Growing Spaces Staff Question: What do Growing Spaces, Rodale Institute, and Shumei Natural Agriculture have in common? Answer: A 33′ Growing Dome Yes, it’s true…Here we go again. Janet and I, the lowly vent maker, are “off again to high adventure”. Well, 15′-6″ high at least, to the...

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SWEDEN: Final Installation

DATELINE Sweden, the U.S. connection, the story continues…  As with many “Great Times” in life, our time in Sweden came and went in a blink. The Johansson family, our wonderful hosts, represent, in my opinion, the future of our planet. I know that sounds profound, but it is the simple truth. The love, interest and...

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SWEDEN: Installation Finished!

Richard and Janet by this time have finished up with Ludvig and family on the 26′ Growing Dome Greenhouse installation at Ludvig’s home in Sweden. We’re awaiting a written narrative of the experience, but in the meantime, we have this photo journal of the remainder of the build. Enjoy!  

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SWEDEN: International Installation Begins

Richard Miller and his wife Janet made it safely to Sweden and were reunited with the Growing Dome kit shipped from Growing Spaces. The build has commenced and is coming along beautifully. The international exchange is going over great. It seems Ludvig and Richard had hit it off well over the phone and email that...

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SWEDEN: We’re On Our Way!

“Dateline Sweden” Ludvig Johansson discovers 2 crates, one might contain the “Holy Grail”, eat your heart out Harrison Ford! Just kidding!! The two crates do contain what will be a great adventure, however, I’m just happy they made it from Colorado, USA to Sweden, 5000+ miles, in good shape. This other picture concerns me though....

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Where in the World? – SWEDEN

Officially Announcing the Winners of Where In The World contest! And the winners are…do you hear the drum roll?? But wait, before I announce the winners, let me thank Ludvig Johansson and his family in Sweden for sharing their adventure. The new photos now posted show the amount of labor Ludvig and his Dad, Ove,...

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Where in the World Contest

Many of us can look at this photo and envision what will be a great adventure. Site selection, solar orientation, leveling the ground, leveling the ground, leveling, leveling, and more leveling. You get the picture, but wait… Where in the world is this future 26′ Growing Dome site? These iconic photos have become the feature...

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Spring Planting, Inside & Out

This is the most exciting time of year to be involved in gardening and we can’t help but join in and share spring planting info. When the bug hits to get growing it’s hard to resist, but when REALLY is the best time to sow what seeds in spring? And is there a way to...

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Monday, March 12 #gardenchat host: Stacey Couch

Stacey Couch was the Creative Media Coordinator for Growing Spaces LLC. She wrangles social media, navigates our online presence, and harmonizes overall marketing efforts. Her background includes a degree in Conservation Biology, Evolution, and Ecology, and years working in the field studying ornithology and botany. More recently she’s worked for animal welfare non-profit organizations and...

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Join Us on #gardenchat on Monday, 3/12 at 9pm MST

We were fortunate last summer to come upon a great community of gardeners on Twitter that gets together once a week on Monday nights at 9pm EST for an event called #gardenchat. #gardenghat is presented by Bren of Creative Living and Growing with Bren Haas and includes hundreds of well-educated professional and hobby gardeners from...

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Testing the Foundation of Your Garden

From time to time, we receive questions about the soil in the gardening beds of the Growing Dome. The question of soil, like many things in gardening, can be a life-long pursuit or can be a spontaneous leap of faith. Examining the interactions between micro-organisms, fungi, minerals, biomass and more keeps laboratories at the most...

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An Entirely New Canvas

My family and I are in the first year with our 26′ Growing Dome. This winter we are not at full capacity because we didn’t have time to get all of the beds built before the soil we needed to bring into the greenhouse froze solid to the ground. Right now we’re growing in a...

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Visioning the Balance

“For Puja and I, everything is connected, and we are ever awed by the complexity and beauty of the natural world. Offering a product which helps people enjoy and support this beauty and the bountiful ways of nature – while growing an abundance of food – is very fulfilling for us.” – Udgar Parsons, Co-Owner...

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Nurturing community while moving towards sustainability

Across continents, Growing Dome projects are more than just structures; they're catalysts for community bonding and sustainability. Witness our journey from Costa Rica, where a dome became a beacon of hope for special needs children, to Colorado's Flagstaff Academy, where it transformed into a living laboratory. These builds, akin to barn raisings, fuse construction with cultural exchange, creating profound emotional experiences and a shared vision for a sustainable future. Join us in exploring these inspiring stories of community, collaboration, and hope.

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Fall Planting in the Growing Dome

I am excited this fall, because for once I don’t feel terribly behind on my winter crop plantings. I have 2 separate beds of my “greens mixture” beets, chard, kale, swiss chard and parsnips coming up, about 3 weeks apart, I have garlic sprouted about 4″ and more just breaking through the ground. Onions are...

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Pruning Your Tomatoes and Peppers

Here’s what I’ve learned lately from our 26′ Growing Dome. For a while there our life was pretty calm and I was getting to the Dome every Saturday and checking in on the plants. I’d harvest whatever was ready, clip the dead leaves or stems from the tomato and pepper plants, throw in a few...

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Food for Thought

As I am moved by the amazing colors of the harvest season here in the Rocky Mountains, it seems so appropriate to share why I feel so honored to have Shumei International® teachers arrive as our guests in teaching Natural Agriculture. We Americans were once gardeners and people of the land. My own lineage were...

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Adding Composted Leaves to the Soil

So Richard Miller, our resident Master Gardener here at Growing Spaces, and I finally made it to my Growing Dome for a little gardening evaluation.  Turns out that my concerns about my gardening skills have a lot less to do with the results this year in my Dome, than the soil or rather in this...

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Food Sharing in Our Community

The 33′ Employee Dome at Growing Spaces and my personal 26′ Dome are in full harvest mode now and it’s a little tough for even the most enthusiastic veggie lover to consume as much produce as is ready to eat! For weeks now Richard Miller and I have had a little “co-op” going on, he...

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Fall Planting in Home Greenhouse Kits

I spent a bit of time this weekend in my 26′ Dome getting it tidied and ready for a fall planting. We just had 3 weeks of monsoon rains and our temperatures have moderated somewhat, so I am hoping to get my fall crops planted this week. In so doing I am hoping to be...

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Paying Attention to Seed Spacing

After punching in this morning I went out to the 33′ Dome here at  Growing Spaces to check on the lettuce seedlings surrounding the new strawberry transplants. Once again it appears we have planted way too densely, not hard to do with fine little lettuce seeds. So I spent about 10 minutes plucking out some...

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The Benefits of Gardening in Growing Dome

The Growing Dome makes such a difference in our lives. The possibilities are just absolutely endless! And my favorite part is that my three-year old boy loves it just as much as I do. He has made friends with the frogs, fish, and salamanders, but hasn’t seen the baby garden snake yet. Soon, he hopes!

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Recycling: 1.41 Oz. of Trash Created by Gardening Class

We are celebrating!! Growing Spaces hosted the first of this seasons four-part Gardening and Beyond class… In preparation for the event, we made a conscious decision to really eliminate the “normal” waste that is created by having such an event with 30 to 40 people. We used real glasses, cups, saucers, silverware and cloth napkins....

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March Tomatoes in Growing Dome Greenhouse

Can you guys believe we already have tomatoes sprouting in the Growing Dome, in MID-MARCH, in Southern Colorado, from last years plants that have been ripped out!!! You won’t see a single green leaf outside the Dome, for at least another month or two!!! (We’ll be eating tomatoes from this plant by then!)

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26′ Growing Dome Yields Produce in February!

After a quick trip to our 26′ Growing Dome, I was thrilled to discover over 4 pounds of mixed salad greens and the first of our sugar snap peas ready to eat. What a treat! As our Dome is located 18 miles from where we now live, I only get to the Dome about once...

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A new way to work.

Hello!! My name is Kesy, I have been with Growing Spaces for almost two years. Let me tell you that these two years have flown by. It is so refreshing to work in an environment that is positive and nurturing, inside and out. Growing Spaces produces a product and a quality of life that I...

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Promoting Positive Lifestyle Change

From Janice, (new decade) In an effort to promote positive lifestyle changes, I want to tell you about a company I work for called Growing Spaces.  The staff here is very excited to share our passion about the importance of our product, the Growing Dome greenhouse. Half of all American adults have a chronic illness...

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