Join Us on #gardenchat on Monday, 3/12 at 9pm MST


We were fortunate last summer to come upon a great community of gardeners on Twitter that gets together once a week on Monday nights at 9pm EST for an event called #gardenchat. #gardenghat is presented by Bren of Creative Living and Growing with Bren Haas and includes hundreds of well-educated professional and hobby gardeners from around the country. Sometimes overwhelming and always fun, this one hour Twitter chat is fast paced and packed full of information. Luckily for all of us, transcripts of each #gardenchat are made available shortly after each event, so attendees and those who couldn’t make it can scan through, click links, read resources, and make new connections. The other good news is that this one night event has expanded to a ’round the clock forum for sharing all things gardening, so we get to participate in the community on an on-going basis. #gardenchat has single-handedly changed our Twitter account from a menagerie of disconnected follows and tweets to a vibrant place to share and exchange with the gardening community. The transformation has been truly amazing and we are forever grateful.

So, it is with great joy that we announce our first opportunity to host a #gardenchat and during the most exciting time of year for gardeners – SPRING! Next week on Monday, March 12th, 2012 at 9pm EST we’ll be sharing about spring in the greenhouse, giving tips on how to get started gardening early and hearing how everyone else’s gardens are doing (because we know you’re all dying to share!). We have a host of how-to videos and blog posts to share on spring gardening and we plan to put a fun photo slide show or two together to show how our greenhouses are growing. If you don’t have a greenhouse yet, but are curious how this whole thing works, this is the night for you. If you have a greenhouse and loads of experience, we would love your input and advice. If you don’t plan on ever having a greenhouse, but are interested in getting plants in the ground as soon as possible, you’ll want to join us for helpful tips from the community on what you can do. We’re so very honored to have this opportunity and can’t wait to catch up with #gardenchat friends both old and new.

Care to join us, but don’t know how to get started? The good news is that Bren has put together step by step instructions on how to participate.

#gardenchat is definitely an opportunity to network and learn that you don’t want to miss! To learn more visit The #gardenchat Website and follow @TheGardenChat on Twitter or her YouTube channel. See you then.

1 Comment

  • Excited to hear all about your growing experience on #gardenchat this Monday. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful article about a group of amazing and inspiring group of gardeners who love to share and connect on Twitter! See you Monday!

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