Greenhouse Plant Management

Growing Peppers: Some Like It Hot, Some Not

Growing peppers is easy once you master some simple requirements: sunlight, spacing and water. Growing Peppers Growing peppers is a matter of taste…literally. Do you want hot peppers, medium, mild or sweet? No matter what kind they all require a long, warm growing season. Let’s dive into pepper science! There are many types of peppers...

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Growing Borage In a Greenhouse A Beautiful Bee Friendly Plant

Elevate your greenhouse gardening with borage, the bee-friendly herb that beautifies your space and supports a thriving ecosystem. Easy to grow and perfect as a companion plant, borage offers both aesthetic appeal and practical benefits. Discover the simplicity of cultivating borage for a garden that buzzes with life and flavor.

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Growing Lemons is Easy Peasy Lemon Squeeze

When Your Growing Dome Gives You Meyer Lemons, Make Lemonade! Jump to: Growing Lemons, Best Location for Lemon Trees in a Dome, Planting Your Lemon Tree, Companion Plants, Lemon Tree Care, Managing Pests, Harvesting, Pruning, History and Trivia, Health Benefits of Lemons Genus: Citrus x limon ‘Meyer’       Common Name:  Meyer’s Lemon  ...

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The Best Fruit Bearing Plants to Grow in Your Greenhouse

Imagine a transition from a quiet, snow-covered backyard into a warm and bustling greenhouse. This is not just any greenhouse, but a Growing Dome, where the harshness of the outside world is replaced by a lush, fruit-bearing oasis. The air is fragrant with Meyer lemons, and the soothing sound of a waterfall from an above-ground pond completes the ambiance. In this realm, greenhouse gardening is limited only by your imagination. Over recent months, we've explored a variety of fruit bearing plants ideal for greenhouse cultivation. Now, we present them to you in a concise, easy-to-access guide.

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Peeling Back the Secrets of Growing Bananas

Jump to: Growing Bananas, Ideal Conditions For Growing Bananas, Where to Grow Bananas in Your Dome, Planting Banana Plants, Growing Banana Companion Plants, Caring for Banana Plants, How to Manage Pests, Growing Bananas Year Round, When to Harvest Bananas, Banana History and Trivia, Health Benefits of Bananas Often called a tree, the banana is an...

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Growing Thriving Beans in a Greenhouse (Bush/Pole)

Jump to: Growing Beans – Cultivation Tips, Bean Companion Plants, How to Harvest Beans. Bean History – Know Before You Grow Common (green) beans, scientifically known as Phaseolus vulgaris, originate from South America and Central America. Historical evidence suggests beans were cultivated in Mexico and Peru for millennia. They were later introduced to the Mediterranean...

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Growing Blueberries And Strawberries In A Greenhouse: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to cultivating a fruitful and diverse garden or greenhouse, growing blueberries and strawberries together offers an exciting opportunity. Despite their different preferences, these fruits can thrive harmoniously. However, birds pose a threat to their delicious harvests. The solution? Cultivating blueberries and strawberries in a greenhouse provides protection against bird damage, ensuring a bountiful yield. In this article, we explore the cultivation tips for growing these delightful fruits side by side, including soil preparation, companion planting, and harvesting techniques. Let's dive into the world of blueberries and strawberries and uncover the secrets to a successful and rewarding greenhouse cultivation experience.

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Ultimate Guide to Growing Chard In a Greenhouse

Featured Plant of the Month: Chard! Chard, or Beta vulgaris var. Cicla is from the Amaranthaceae family, also known as the beet family and is native to the Mediterranean area and is originally from Sicily! Quite a few sources say that Aristotle mentioned growing chard (red-stalked) in 350 BC, probably because it was revered for...

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Growing Cilantro in a Greenhouse

Cilantro, also known as coriander, is a versatile herb that belongs to the Apiaceae family and is native to Asia, Europe, and Africa. The plant has an air of mystery around it, as cilantro refers to the leaves, while coriander refers to the seeds. With its fresh and citrusy flavor, cilantro is a popular ingredient in many dishes, from salsa to curry. And the good news is, growing cilantro is easy, especially when grown in a greenhouse.

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Growing Cabbage in a Greenhouse

Did you know that growing cabbage in a greenhouse can provide you with fresh produce all year round? This humble vegetable has a rich history dating back to the Roman Empire and played a vital role in sustaining the Irish during times of food insecurity. Growing cabbage from seed is easy, and it prefers loamy soil with lots of compost mixed in. Companion plants like broccoli, kale, and swiss chard are great friends to cabbage, and they thrive in the same conditions and climate. Learn more about the benefits of companion planting and how to harvest your cabbage for a second, smaller harvest, or hang it in a root cellar for up to three months. Discover why cabbage is a superhero packed with vitamins, minerals, and cancer-fighting properties.

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Growing Brussels Sprouts in a Greenhouse

Brussels sprouts are a cultivar of wild cabbage native to the Mediterranean area. Known for their long growing season and cool weather preference, they are best grown in a greenhouse. With tips on planting, companion plants, and harvesting, you'll be able to successfully grow this nutritious vegetable. Add some fun to your greenhouse gardening with interesting facts about Brussels sprouts, and try a new recipe to truly appreciate this oftentimes misunderstood veggie.

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Growing Lettuce in a Greenhouse

These days it is even more important to be able to grow your own lettuce as crops in California’s Salinas Valley are currently fighting Impatiens necrotic spot virus, or INSV, which is mainly spread by thrips. Pythium wilt is another crop disease that attacks lettuce, generally along with INSV causing lettuce to wilt or completely collapse. We recommend planting lettuce as this disease may affect its availability since California grows approximately 70% of the lettuce consumed in the US. There has never been a better time to grow lettuce in your backyard!

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Growing Rosemary in a Greenhouse

Growing rosemary from seed in a greenhouse can take a few weeks for germination. Propagating plants from an established rosemary bush is a quicker method and you can be ready to plant in two weeks. Let us teach you how to grow rosemary successfully in your greenhouse. With our expert advice, you will tip the scales in your favor.

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Growing Basil in a Greenhouse

Growing basil in a greenhouse is a tricky balance. They don't like things too hot or too cold, and while they repel some common pests, such as hornworms and flies, they are susceptible to problems like aphids and Japanese beetles. Let us teach you how to grow basil successfully in your greenhouse. With our expert advice, you will tip the scales in your favor.

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Growing Celery in a Greenhouse

Celery seeds are tiny and can take up to 21 days to germinate. However, soaking celery seeds in warm water overnight will speed germination. Growing your celery inside a Growing Dome or starting seeds indoors will give you a significant head start to celery season.

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How to Grow Fruit Trees in a Greenhouse

Fruit trees can be a healthy addition to most dome greenhouse gardens above zone 3. They provide fresh fruit and shade in the summer with the bonus of attracting pollinators when flowering. Understanding a plant’s natural environment (tropical, subtropical, or temperate to continental) and how to stimulate it will help you grow a wide variety of plants from fruit trees to shrubs, which will give you more confidence in your dome gardening adventure.

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How to Thin Crowded Seedlings

Many seedlings grow quickly in the spring when the days get longer. Thinning seedlings is a necessity but can become slightly more difficult if you overseeded or if your old seed packets had a higher germination rate than you were expecting. In any case, overcrowding is common and seedlings will almost always benefit from careful thinning.

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How To Grow Fig Trees In Your Greenhouse

Fig trees are one of the best ways to achieve summer shade and stabilized temperatures in your Growing Dome Greenhouse. They are forgiving in depleted dry soil conditions, extreme heat or cold, and inadequate ventilation conditions. Fig trees are relatively disease and pest resistant. They produce broad leaves at the perfect time in the spring to provide natural shade for your plants and lose them just in time for fall when you need more sun. Figs thrive in full sun and make delicious fruit. It is hard to imagine a better fruit tree for dome greenhouse growing.

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So Many Seeds to Sow!

It is time to get those spring and summer crops planted. The Growing Dome Community is especially excited this year to swap out winter crops for the spring season. The first aspect to consider is whether you will be direct seeding or transplanting starts.

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How to Grow Sage

The question of whether or not to grow sage is pretty cut-and-dry (pun totally intended) because it's got so many uses. Beyond its beauty in the garden, sage is a sacred plant, a valued seasoning, and an herb with therapeutic properties. Learn more about how to grow sage.

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Revitalize Your Garden with Calendula: How to Grow and Harvest Calendula

Calendula is a versatile and low maintenance plant that can add beauty and utility to any greenhouse or outdoor garden. This plant is not only attractive to pollinators, but it also has numerous medicinal and culinary uses. From its high flavonoid content to its ability to attract beneficial insects and act as a trap crop, calendula is an excellent addition to any garden. In this blog post, we will explore how to grow calendula, companion planting options, and how to harvest and use this incredible plant.

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The Innate Value of Seed Saving

Seed saving as a means to restore and promote the regenerative agricultural movement Seed saving has saved my relationship with the land. A few years into my gardening journey I felt helpless as to how my work was impacting the environment. Sure, I was growing my own produce, lowering my carbon footprint, and sharing an...

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Sowing Winter Crops in the Growing Dome

Sow your seeds in early fall to prepare for your Winter Garden: If you grow in a Growing Dome, or greenhouse, or even want to try to extend your season in an outdoor garden, the time has come to sow seeds for fall and winter gardening. If you sow in late August to early September,...

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Sowing Seeds for Your Winter Crop

Sowing Seeds In Late Summer/Early Fall & Preparing For Winter “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” Robert Louis Stevenson If you grow in a greenhouse or even if you have an outdoor garden threatened by winter snow, you should be sowing seeds for your winter crops...

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Secrets of Year Round Gardening Revealed

Why Growing Dome® Gardening is Unique and Easy. Gardening in a Growing Dome is different. It’s different in a good way. It’s easy. It is not like growing outside, and compared to growing in a regular greenhouse, they are as different as night and day. Plants do grow easily in the Growing Dome. However, to...

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Seed Germination In Your Growing Dome®

Seed Starting For Fast and Consistent Germination Rates What are seeds and how do we best “start” them to ensure consistent germination rates? Why do they sprout when they do? Understanding the fundamentals of seeds and seed germination allows for designing optimal situations and practices for successful starts for your garden. Meet Roland. He is Growing...

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How to Start and Transplant Vegetables

Transplanting vegetables is a great way to practice “time stacking” which increases yields and reduces or eliminates gaps in harvests. To maximize yield in the Growing Dome it is helpful to start some vegetable crops outside of the raised beds in pots, flats or containers while you are still harvesting mature crops from the raised beds....

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How to Make an Aquatic Plant Protector

Recently, our fish had grown so big that they began eating all of our aquatic plants in our water tanks! Rather than watch our plants dwindle to nothing, we got creative. Innovation is always happening here at Growing Spaces and we have so many brilliant members contributing. With some lovely input and guidance from Claudia...

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How to Sow Your Seeds

We have talked in our previous posts about sowing a batch of cool hardy seeds for our spring crops. A few words about how to sow your seeds may be appropriate here. The first thing to note is the size of the seed you are using, as they vary quite enormously. The average depth to...

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Pruning Your Tomatoes and Peppers

Here’s what I’ve learned lately from our 26′ Growing Dome. For a while there our life was pretty calm and I was getting to the Dome every Saturday and checking in on the plants. I’d harvest whatever was ready, clip the dead leaves or stems from the tomato and pepper plants, throw in a few...

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Paying Attention to Seed Spacing

After punching in this morning I went out to the 33′ Dome here at  Growing Spaces to check on the lettuce seedlings surrounding the new strawberry transplants. Once again it appears we have planted way too densely, not hard to do with fine little lettuce seeds. So I spent about 10 minutes plucking out some...

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