Crafting a Survival Garden In Your Backyard

Woman holding a large platter full of yellow, red, and green tomatoes. She is standing inside a Growing Dome with trellised tomato plants in the background and ripe tomatoes on the vines.

In uncertain times, self-sufficiency becomes paramount. At the forefront of this self-reliance is the concept of the survival garden—a means to ensure a steady supply of nutritious food regardless of external challenges. The Growing Dome stands out as the premier solution for those looking to establish a resilient survival garden. Its unique geodesic design can resist winds up to 115 mph, more than 75 pounds of snow per square foot, and is hail-resistant.

Heartbeat of your Homestead

In a Growing Dome Greenhouse, you can sustainably grow clean, healthy food all year long, no matter where you live. It provides a controlled environment and protection from wildlife, rain, snow, ice, hail and extreme temperatures. You can also enjoy a quiet retreat to commune with nature and bond with your family.

Solar Power: Nature’s Ally for a Year-Round Survival Garden

By harnessing both active and passive solar technologies, the Growing Dome guarantees a consistent and energy-efficient environment. Whether you’re facing the biting cold of winter or the scorching heat of summer, your survival garden remains protected and productive.

Choosing the Best Crops for Your Survival Garden

Tomatoes growing in a Growing Dome greenhouse

Your Growing Dome’s potential is directly linked to the crops you select. Root vegetables, rich in calories and nutrients, are survival garden essentials. Carrots, beets, radishes, and turnips not only store well, but they also thrive in the central bed of the Growing Dome. Plant a fig tree nearby—it offers delicious fruits and acts as a companion plant, shading and extending the life of root crops.

Dedicate the Growing Dome’s raised beds to fruits suitable for drying and preservation—tomatoes, peppers, and berries are perfect. And don’t forget the warmth-loving crops like squash and beans; the southern side of the dome, with its abundant sunlight, suits them best.

The Top 30 Survival Garden Seeds: (If it has a link, we have an article about how to grow it!)

This list offers a mix of crops to ensure a balanced diet, efficient use of space, and consistent yields throughout the year in a greenhouse survival garden.

Pollinators: The Gardens Unsung Heroes

bee on a flower

A survival garden isn’t just about the crops. It also depends on its helpers. Plant flowers outside your dome to attract vital pollinators like bees and butterflies, ensuring successful pollination and improved crop yields.

In an unpredictable world, the Growing Dome equips you to reclaim control over your food supply. It isn’t just a greenhouse; it’s a means to ensure survival.

How big of a garden do I need to survive?

The size of a garden depends on several factors including the number of people, if your diet is all vegetarian or includes meat, your outdoor growing season, and food preservation methods. The Growing Dome will allow you to harvest fresh produce year-round, so you don’t need as much space. The Growing Dome Greenhouse comes in six different sizes.

Growing Dome SizeMouths to FeedSquare Footage
15′ Growing Dome2-3150
18′ Growing Dome3-4250
22′ Growing Dome4-5350
26′ Growing Dome5-6550
33′ Growing Dome8-10850
42′ Growing DomeCommunity1,300
All sizes of our Growing Domes are featured at Growing Spaces headquarters in Pagosa Springs
15 ft 18 ft and 26 ft Growing Domes

Expand Your Knowledge

Dive deeper into sustainable gardening practices with our other articles: “The Innate Value of Saving Seeds“, “Heirloom Tomatoes in a Growing Dome Greenhouse“, and “Growing Vegetables in Alaska Hardiness Zone 6A“.

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Kenzie Jackson Former Marketing Director
I studied marketing at Eastern Illinois University and have been working as the Marketing Director at Growing Spaces since May 2019. What I love most about my job is getting to tell the stories of our customers in our featured dome articles. It’s all about connecting through storytelling, and it’s pretty cool to see all the different ways people use our greenhouses.

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