In 2014, the fine folks at Littleton Academy, in Littleton, CO, were awarded the Growing Spaces In-Kind Grant Award. The mission of their project, in their own words:
“to create an environmentally efficient and sustainable greenhouse that can be funded after inception by the revenue generated from the selling of seeds, flowers for Mother’s Day, organic vegetables, and herbs. A greenhouse can grow and produce outside of the normal growing season, so it would be a year-round enterprise. This committee has already built a school garden from the ground up; we are now looking to expand the seasonal benefits of a garden to a greenhouse that produces year-round. Today’s students are the environmental stewards of the future, and by instilling a love and understanding of the life cycle, we are nurturing a group of environmentally responsible young students who will be the decision-makers of the next generation.”
Well, Littleton Academy has its Growing Dome up and is actively growing food and implementing its goals. Growing Spaces was fortunate enough to be invited to Littleton Academy’s formal dedication ceremony to mark the Grand Opening of their Growing Dome. We sent our roving vent maker/renowned emissary, Richard Miller, along to participate in the ceremony.

Here is a report from Richard:
Greetings All,
Richard Miller here, Growing Spaces wandering employee, back to tell you about an incredible trip to Littleton Academy’s 26′ Growing Dome in Colorado.
A Greenhouse Dedication is what the invite said, little did I know the heart tug that would occur by attending on 9-11-2015.
At 6:30pm a gathering of parents, teachers, students and guests were thanked for coming by Rayma Nilsson, school VP, followed by brief talks about the Growing Dome, and then Shelly Russell, school Principal, shared with us all about Annie’s Pond. Growing Spaces above ground pond took on a whole new meaning after hearing the story of Annie, former student and passed soul who will live on as a central part of Littleton Academys gardening experience.
I share with you pictures of the night and ” gift ” you with a picture of Annie’s Pond and her poem.
Our Hearts to Her! Richard
Annie’s Pond
(Adapted from a poem by Guy Carey, Jr.)
The wind causes rippling on its placid face
And the sun like diamonds makes it shine
Creating awesome beauty at this wondrous place
That does create some light divine
This entity of water-in a place where our hearts belong
That place of solitude that’s called Annie’s Pond
The crystal pond waters which can wash our cares away
And its aquatic wild life that entertains you night and day
The lilies and the fish and the raucous crickets’ song
The noisy springtime peepers, that let you know that you belong
It hasn’t obtained the fame of Walden but in our heart it’s twice as strong
This place of solitude that’s called Annie’s Pond
So when life becomes frustrating and overwhelms us in its wake
And we hear others bragging of big boats on some exotic lake
We can return to our serenity for we have what in their hearts they long
We have a little piece of heaven—we have a spot at Annie’s Pond
Thank you Littleton Academy for the great work that you do. Thank you Richard Miller and thank you Annie.