Relax, Center, And Transform Yourself From the Fast Pace of Life and Responsibility.
Joyful Journey Hot Springs is not your typical “hotel.” Located in the picturesque San Luis Valley and framed by the Sangre de Cristo mountains, they offer a rejuvenating night’s stay like nowhere else on planet Earth.
“Get centered, rejuvenated, and sent back out.” – Theo Boudreaux, Joyful Journey General Manager.
Joyful Journey Hot Springs Spa and Rejuvenation in a Growing Dome
Take Time to Re-Juvenate, Re-Connect, and Re-Center
Life is busy and stressful. You work hard and carry real world burdens. How do you recharge your batteries?
Some people like to fire up the motorcycle and take to the open road. For others, pouring through a pointless, but really good, paperback novel does the trick. Whatever it is for you, do more of it. You deserve it. Not just deserve it, you really need it in your life to be the best version of yourself. Remember to balance your busyness with what rejuvenates and re-centers.
Joyful Journey is a Unique Spot to Get Away from It All
If travelling is one of those battery chargers for you, then put a mark on your map for Joyful Journey Hot Springs Spa to be your next stop. Nestled in the northern gateway to the San Luis Valley, and surrounded by the majestic Sangre de Cristo Mountains.
Joyful Journey weaves together an experience of peaceful well-being.
Here’s a little of what to expect:
- Beautiful hotel rooms with private bathrooms and aspen-wood furniture
- Natural therapeutic artesian hot springs water
- Yurts
- Tipis
- Qigong
- Yoga
- Massage
- A 42′ Growing Dome®
- Breakfast made with dome-grown fresh greens and vegetables
- Breathtaking views of the San Luis Valley and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains
- And an exceptional staff committed to co-creating your relaxing retreat

Pull in Stressed…But Leave Transformed
It’s a lovely stretch of highway. It’s majestic and big and open. The San Luis Valley and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains stage the soulful oasis of Joyful Journey. You can pull in there stressed and road weary and then leave transformed.
“When folks come to stay at Joyful Journey, relaxation sets in. Rejuvenation takes place. And stress transforms to centered being. It’s a place where people can escape.”
You get centered and slow down long enough to remember who you are under all the static and noise.
You’ll recapture a place of tranquil peace that’s always alive within you.
The stress of the day, the stress of life, and the burdens you shoulder have a way of pushing you out of balance. A stop at Joyful Journey brings you back to center, peace, and joy.
Make sure to visit Joyful Journey, and then…

Stop at Joyful Journey, and then…
Hop over the pass to visit us here at Growing Spaces® in Pagosa Springs.
You’ll get it all. A relaxing vacation. Wide open vistas. Mountains. Yoga, hot springs, good food and Growing Domes.
Now, I’m not trying to pick a fight, but you could even find out which side of the mountains has better hot spring water.
Let us know when you come by to see the Growing Domes in Pagosa Springs!
“We need to take the time to rejuvenate our body, and our mind, and gotta get out there and do it. Got to take the time to make it happen.” – Theo
A little something else for your battery charging.
If reconnecting to nature, growing food, and keeping your hands in the soil is the thing for you…
Then give us a call at 800-753-9333. We would love to hear from you!