Last year we shared with you the vision for Pagosa Springs’ Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership (GGP) and how this sustainable movement was poised to change our community in big and beautiful ways. We are excited to post an update with a rendering of the proposed project and an overview of the design. This is all really coming into view and is very encouraging for everyone involved. Learn more about the Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership here.
Mission Statement: “Our mission is to educate the community in sustainable agricultural practices by producing food year-round using local renewable energy.” Harnessing renewable solar and geothermal energy to grow safe, affordable food for local people; provide an attraction for visitors year round; create educational opportunities; nurture local businesses and create jobs; cultivate community pride and develop economic vitality and sustainability.
This is an organization whose energy, creativity and contributions are focused on:
- creating a center for K-12 interdisciplinary education and advanced study in agriculture and renewable technology
- providing a test site for year-round organic crop cultivation at high altitude using renewable energy
- providing affordable, organic, locally grown food for people and businesses
- providing year-round community gardens
I took high school students to the groundbreaking a few years ago, actually about 4 years ago. I am really looking forward to this project coming to fruition. It’s going to be fantastic!
I would like to get involved at a community level. I would like to get information on the business planning and financing of a similar project within First Nations Communities. I have 6 acres to work with and would like to get familiar with a co-op opportunity. I would provide the land as equity and find others with similar interests. Something I can bring to my community as a plan for future food security as well as the Educational and Financial opportunities….
Sounds very good!
I am working in communitycultivation project in central Finland. Just wanna tell how inspired i am about this. If you can have this Dome in Alaska, i think i have some hope in Finland.
Thankyou for the great work