winter garden

To Heat or Not to Heat Your Greenhouse

To heat greenhouse in winter or not? The Growing Dome is a marvel of technology in its efficiency. With 25+ years of research we can tell you that it can be up to three times more efficient than a traditional greenhouse. Not only does the geodesic shape contribute to this efficiency, but the solar powered...

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March 2013 Dome of the Month Winner

Reminding us of a season soon to pass…this beautiful photo from Kathy Pitts & John Stone of their 26′ Growing Dome Greenhouse in Northern California captures the essence of the winter solstice it was photographed on. One of the comments about the photo that was posted on Facebook sums it up best for us, “Lovely...

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Planting Early Season Catch Crops

There are some terms we year-round gardeners throw around pretty easily and “catch crop” is one of them. It sounds complicated, but is actually very simple. A catch crop is a fast-growing, quickly maturing crop that can be grown between cold season (winter) and warm season (summer) crops. January is most definitely too early to...

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Floating Row Covers in the Greenhouse

It’s been an especially cold winter for many parts of the country. We here in Colorado had the brunt of it during December and now the Midwest and Northeast are experiencing exceptionally cold temperatures. We’ve received a flood of questions about when and how to heat the Growing Dome. It largely depends on the amount...

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Winter Wonderland – January 2013 Dome of the Month Winner

Congratulations to Katja Wichland and Josh Rapaport on winning the January 2013 Dome of the Month with this lovely winter photo of their 26′ Growing Dome Greenhouse in Colorado. Protected by their adopted Chow Chow named Bella, they are at 9,000 feet elevation near Telluride and are coming up on their two-year anniversary of owning...

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How Winter Growing is Possible

The difference between the inside and outside of the dome on a cold winter night depends on how many sunny days you are having. With the domes 7 unique features for heating and cooling, we are able to grow year-round, even in the Rocky Mountains, because we can keep the temperature at a decent level...

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Growing Dome Greenhouse Presentation in Farmington, NM A service of the Rochester Times By JOHN NOLAN Thursday, September 9, 2010   FARMINGTON, NM — Farmington New Mexico Gardeners’ Round-table received a talk, last week, on greenhouses that allow year-round cultivation, but yet require no electricity, nor propane, nor kerosene to keep temperatures above freezing in the depths of winter. The big...

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Fall Planting in Home Greenhouse Kits

I spent a bit of time this weekend in my 26′ Dome getting it tidied and ready for a fall planting. We just had 3 weeks of monsoon rains and our temperatures have moderated somewhat, so I am hoping to get my fall crops planted this week. In so doing I am hoping to be...

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