Growing Dome Frog Release Party
Frogs in your greenhouse? Why not? Here’s a short video of our first official Growing Dome Frog Release Party.
A greenhouse, particularly a Growing Dome, seems like a great place for our little green amphibious friends. This is the first official Growing Spaces frog release in our Growing Domes.
Also, check out this article on attracting and taking care of frogs in your greenhouse.
Frogs in your Greenhouse?
Frogs certainly have the potential to be beneficial for your greenhouse or Growing Dome, considering what frogs like to eat – bugs.
But how will they do in the Growing Dome?
We’re not entirely sure. We’re optimistic and hope they like it – and will thrive – in their new home. Their needs for food, shelter, water, and humidity seem adequately provided.
What about winter? What do greenhouse frogs and toads do in the winter?
Again, it remains to be seen. We hope they will find themselves a snug warm spot to spend the winter. The warm beds in the Growing Dome should provide a perfect place for them to dig in, hibernate, and, according to an article in Scientific American, let their magic frog anti-freeze do its job.
We’ll make sure to remind Roland, the gardener, to be careful digging in the beds during the winter and next spring.
Frogs and toads have the potential to be beneficial to our gardens.
Hopefully their new home will adequately provide for them. We will be watching closely.

Even if they don’t eat enough bugs and even if they don’t fertilize a significant portion of soil and moss, they sure do lift our hearts and spirits when we get to see and hear them in our gardens.
I’m told the song of the Green Tree Frog sounds like a cow bell from a distance.
Every once in a while, we get to do things like this.
Opportunities to get away from the computer, get into the domes, and have some fun – like releasing frogs and toads.
I’m sure you will hear the excitement and enthusiasm in our voices in the background.
In fact, I’m a little self-conscious when I hear myself.
If you are a frog lover, you should watch the video.

If you have ever wanted to be a frog lover, you should watch the video.
If you have never given much thought to frogs, watch this videoand I bet you will be a frog lover.
If you hate frogs, wow.
Now, I want to be clear, the frogs are cool and we are optimistic about them being our new Growing Dome Community members. And we lucked out with some great footage of them jumping, hiding, being green and pulling out the distinctive aww! sounds from us; however, don’t forget the toads!

Toads are cool too.
They might be a little less flamboyant and a little more….toady, but we are just as pleased with our new toad friends too.
So, we hope you enjoyed our first Frog and Toad Release Party video!
Let me know if you have frogs in your greenhouse. How have they fared? If you have experience with frogs in your greenhouse, do you have any feedback that might be helpful for our new friends?
I was thrilled to hear a frog singing in my dome one evening. Since then
“Fernando” makes regular appearances when I am watering. He is a very
cute tree frog who seems to be thriving in the dome.
What kind of tree frog is Fernando?
Loved this video! What kind of frogs were they? Where did you buy them? Do you need to supplement their food with crickets? I’m in Durango and want to do this!
Any update “one year after”?
have a toad in my MI greenhouse as we speak…I do keep it heated and will probably but him some worms and put them by his “hole”……today when i went out he had his hands on the door like he wanted out! I gently pushed him back in. Today is above freezing but i HOPE I did the right thing by not letting him out! He has plenty of digging area and it is fun to see and TALK to him!
SO COOL.I love frogs, as much as i love growing plants. i also have many… like may be 7 or 8? thinking of making a living ecosystem with amphibians and and reptiles being at the top of the food chain…also found a small hyla cinerea (american green tree frog) as well as anaxyrus americanus (american toad) . both curently in a log .
.by the other 7(or 8) salamanders…i will take care of them if…IF.it gets cold enough…i live in alabama…THERE IS BASICALY NO WINTER NO SNOW …NONE.
I have had a frog or toad in my greenhouse for over a year, then about 6 months ago a second one appeared.
I love them and worry that there isn’t enough for them to live on and I don’t know what I can feed them.
They are very tiny and brownish in color.
Do you have any ideas to help me care for them?
Quick update on the tree frogs we released a few years ago. We bought them online, and they came in and took care of the Aphid and bug issues we had at the time. Since then, all but one disappeared. One remained in our 33′ greenhouse for a few years and spent most of the time on the umbrella tree, but we haven’t seen him since.
It’s possible a Garter snake found their way into the dome looking for some tasty snacks. If they come across a vulnerable frog, they won’t hesitate to enjoy a nice, easy meal.
Also, check out this article on attracting and caring for frogs in your greenhouse
This year a very small toad showed up in my back yard, he found his way into my small green house. He disappears for up to a week, every time he finds his way back he is bigger. I will be digging a hole in the floor filling it with leaf litter and soil hoping that will suffice through the winter until he emerges in the spring. I am not sure if he didn’t have a way of coming and going he could find sufficient food.
I have sett up a small hydroponics system in my greenhouse. This uses a nutrient solution to make the plants grow. I have found a small frog in one of the tanks and I would love to know if he will be harmed by the nutrient solution.
Hi Steve,
Please let me know what the nutrient solution is (brand, etc.) and I will ask our dome advisors about it. You may also want to check with the manufacturer of the solution.
Thank you.
Without knowing the specifics about the nutrient solution, we don’t know the answer. However, in the case of an aquaponic system, large scale growers always have a way to ‘decouple’ the fish tank from the rest of the system. They do this in case the fish aren’t well and need a partial water change, pH adjustment, additional boost of oxygen, etc. Vice versa – if the plants aren’t doing well and need different growing conditions or specific nutrients, the fish tank can be cut out of the system temporarily. This gives the grower more flexibility and helps ensure that the plants and fish will always remain healthy. When reconnecting the fish and plant systems, it is done carefully. The water running through the plants is flushed out and the water running through the fish tank (if treated with something to kill a pathogen or parasite for example) is systematically flushed as well. When growing hydroponically, the water has to be flushed because salts build up. This isn’t good for fish. I am sure the flushing process also helps remove any residual fertilizers that aren’t good for the fish.
We highly recommend you contact the manufacturer of the nutrient solution to get an answer on this specific product for your frog. Please let us know what you find out!