Growing Spaces Greenhouses Blog

Fall Planting in Home Greenhouse Kits

I spent a bit of time this weekend in my 26′ Dome getting it tidied and ready for a fall planting. We just had 3 weeks of monsoon rains and our temperatures have moderated somewhat, so I am hoping to get my fall crops planted this week. In so doing I am hoping to be...

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How Growing Your Own Food Changes Your Life

Growing just one food-producing plant at home like tomato, bell pepper, strawberry, lettuce, snow peas, etc. can do more than just save money otherwise spent at the grocery store. Whether you are a family of five, a single-person household, or a community of many, you can make a difference in how you live – today!...

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RFHS Students Get Going

With the help of many – 42′ Growing Dome is complete! As far back as I can remember, my grandmother always said, “If you want something done right – do it yourself…” As of today, I thoroughly disagree. The brand new 42′ Growing Dome greenhouse installed at Roaring Fork High School in Carbondale, Colorado has brought...

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Paying Attention to Seed Spacing

After punching in this morning I went out to the 33′ Dome here at  Growing Spaces to check on the lettuce seedlings surrounding the new strawberry transplants. Once again it appears we have planted way too densely, not hard to do with fine little lettuce seeds. So I spent about 10 minutes plucking out some...

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Greenhouses a Growing Interest in Colorado Communities

Greenhouses a growing interest amongst Colorado Janet Urquhart The Aspen Times Aspen, Colorado Greenhouses like the new dome behind Roaring Fork High School in Carbondale, Colorado could become a more common sight in the Roaring Fork Valley. Pitkin County is contemplating code changes to better accommodate greenhouses. With community gardens cropping up around the Roaring...

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2010 CO Companies to Watch

Growing Spaces receives statewide recognition The State of Colorado recently recognized second-stage growth companies that are developing valuable products and services, creating quality jobs, enriching communities, and creating new industries throughout the state. The program, called “CO Companies to Watch” had several hundred companies in the annual competition, but only 50 of them were named...

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Enchanted Valley Farm Grows Year Round

Enchanted Valley Farm uses Growing Dome to provide for its fresh, homemade spreads! Find this homestead on the Archuleta County map where you least expect to find anything close to an organic export food processing facility, and you find Archuleta County’s finest organic export food processing facility. Of course, when you find such a facility...

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