Managing Winter Humidity in a Greenhouse
Manage winter humidity in your greenhouse with tips on ventilation, water usage, heating, and disease prevention for healthy, year-round plant growth.
Manage winter humidity in your greenhouse with tips on ventilation, water usage, heating, and disease prevention for healthy, year-round plant growth.
An arctic blast swept through the northern half of our continent just before Christmas. On our Facebook groups we saw reports of temperatures as low as -21F in the US, and even colder in Canada. Despite these frigid temperatures, Dome Owners were still able to keep their plants alive and thriving by adding a bit of supplemental heat. Even if the temperature drops below freezing in the Dome, hardy plants will survive and perk back up as the sun hits them the following day.
Nurture Your Soil to Keep Your Dome Greenhouse Garden Thriving All Year It is easy to forget that our garden’s soil is alive with organic matter even when there are not any plants growing in it. Soil provides moisture and nutrients to your plants. But to do so correctly, the soil requires a healthy level...
When the nights start to get cold, and all those fans and vents are working against your best greenhouse gardening efforts, it's time to adjust your dome for the changing weather. Of course, It's never a seamless shift from summer to winter, and temps can fluctuate quite a bit. We want to share some tips that will help you winterize your greenhouse. Helping you adapt to your specific environment and enjoy a flourishing winter garden.
Planning your greenhouse is one of the best parts of purchasing a Growing Dome. You get to design an energy-efficient backyard greenhouse that is uniquely your own. Most of our customers start with their imagination – seeing themselves inside a lush greenhouse, a little bit of “Eden” right in their backyard, planting starts, watering…harvesting and eating fresh produce that takes no longer than 5 minutes from garden to kitchen prep!
Transplanting seedlings and direct sowing are the two main methods of introducing plants to your small garden. Transplanting is the process of planting a baby plant, or starts, into your garden. In comparison, direct sowing is the process of planting seeds in your garden.
Fall brings more than changing leaves and crisp air. It also brings changes in your Dome, switching out summer fruits for winter leaves and roots. Summer fruits require heat, light, and longer days to produce optimally.
I spent a bit of time this weekend in my 26′ Dome getting it tidied and ready for a fall planting. We just had 3 weeks of monsoon rains and our temperatures have moderated somewhat, so I am hoping to get my fall crops planted this week. In so doing I am hoping to be...
After a quick trip to our 26′ Growing Dome, I was thrilled to discover over 4 pounds of mixed salad greens and the first of our sugar snap peas ready to eat. What a treat! As our Dome is located 18 miles from where we now live, I only get to the Dome about once...