Growing Dome® Known to Withstand Hurricane Force Winds

The strong, wind-resistant structure of a geodesic dome greenhouse is inherently windproof, which is why the Growing Dome is the best greenhouse for wind and extreme weather, hands down!
“An 80 mph wind can produce a pressure of 16 pounds per square foot (psf). For example, the 10′ by 100′ sidewall of a gutter-connected greenhouse would have to resist a 16,000 pound force.”
—UMass Amherst

“I’ve seen high winds lift an entire greenhouse and dump it 3 plots away, the glass in shards and the frame looking like a giant has tied knots in it.”
—Allotment and Garden
Why a Growing Dome is the Best Greenhouse for Wind
With a Growing Dome, you don’t have to protect your greenhouse from the wind. You can rest assured your garden is safe. Protect your plants without worrying about your greenhouse.
The Growing Dome is incredibly windproof. It doesn’t give the wind anything to resist. It’s the difference between flow and impact. Wind simply flows around a Growing Dome. Instead of wind impacting a large surface area, like the broadside of a rectangular greenhouse, it flows around the geodesic shape distributing the forces evenly across all the struts and back towards the ground.
There are no large flat surfaces for the wind to push against. A traditional greenhouse structure has a point of weakness that buckles under the strain of the wind.
Your Growing Dome is protected from high winds, hail, and heavy snow loads!
Growing food in a greenhouse protects your plants from wind when outdoor gardening is challenging in windy areas.

A safe and protected indoor space helps you successfully grow, especially if you live in a windy area. Now, more and more people tell us they live in a windy area, places traditionally not thought of as windy. Click this link to learn more about the wind map pictured below.

Is wind becoming more severe? Is nature becoming more violent? I don’t know for certain, but I do know greenhouses are supposed to be safe havens. We want to protect our gardens from undesirable outside influences—like wind, snow, and hail.
What about Wind Missiles?
With a traditional glass greenhouse, you must keep surrounding areas clear of objects, which might smash through the glass when picked up and hurled by the wind.
The polycarbonate on a Growing Dome can withstand a 16 lb. weight dropped from 25 feet with no breakage. Those figures come from testing on 8mm polycarbonate. Many dome owners choose 16mm. Its impact resistance would be much higher. See our article, High-Quality Polycarbonate Greenhouse Glazing, for the benefits and strengths of polycarbonate as a greenhouse covering.
15′ Growing Dome Greenhouse Survives Hurricane Force Winds in Pine, CO

“I just wanted to let you know that our dome survived the recent hurricane-force winds and all the flying debris such as broken tree branches. We had gusts of winds measuring up to 115 mph (but that is as high as the anemometer will register). All around the dome, there was destruction and chaos of debris. The dome survived beautifully. Thank you for providing such a quality product. I love my Growing Spaces Dome!”
—Happy Growing Dome Owner

Traditional greenhouses have a point of weakness. Glass breaks, and flexible coverings flap and abrade in the wind eventually wearing out. The Growing Dome’s geometry and strength provide flow.
With a Growing Dome, there is nothing for the wind to push against. We have Buckminster Fuller to thank for the original Growing Dome design. He helped design a 60-foot Bio Dome for John Denver’s Windstar Ranch in Aspen. Our founder, Udgar Parsons was part of that project.

The wind is going to blow. Chances are it’s going to blow hard. In addition, you probably live in one of those “windy areas.”
If you want to protect your garden without worrying about protecting your greenhouse. If you want the best greenhouse for wind, the Growing Dome delivers this safe haven.
The Growing Dome is secured to a foundation wall with an engineered anchoring system, which in turn is secured to the ground with an engineered anchoring system. The weight of the soil beds and the above-ground pond add further strength and stability.
Please contact us if you’d like to get more information on Growing Domes. Or to receive more informative gardening and Growing Dome articles, please sign up for our monthly Newsletter “The Happy Grower”.
When install twin wall polycarbonate over the dome. How to prevent water/mositure infiltration
in to the wall of PC. Silicoin caulking seems not to ne the righ method.
Please reply
Sam Kay
Hey Sam,
The seam where the polycarbonate comes together is sealed with a high quality aircraft tape. We do not recommend silicon caulking the seam.
Need a tough green house
I live in Puerto Rico and have a concrete patio garden. Currently I have a 10′ x 20′ cover with 6 legs holding the roof up. On a regular basis the winds are 30-45 mph with local thunder showers. I fear for my plants from the wind and the rain. I am interested in finding a suitable structure. A 15″ round Growing Dome sounds interesting. Please send information and pricing, including shipping
I live on an Island which has wind all year long. I do not think a traditional rectangular greenhouse would withstand it. A local farm uses half domes to grow their produce in, but I think a geo dome would work for me. Do you have a dome for back gardens?
We live in North Reno experience winds 40 mph with 70-100 mph wind gusts year round. We also get snow and ice storms. We want a ten foot diameter dome greenhouse we can construct in our back yard garden area. We need good ventilation due to hot summers and good insulation during our cold winters. Summer will average 80s to high 90s with occasional triple digits. At night it drops to the 50s or 60s, sometimes can go to freezing. Winters during the day average 40s and 50s with freezing temperatures at night in the teens and twenties.
Did you end up with a dome? Or which one? I live in Gardnerville area, so much wind!
Wind definitely makes gardening difficult! Our domes are engineer rated for 90 mph winds and has the ability to be engineered higher. We’ve received numerous reports of Growing Domes withstanding up to 130 mph in Montana, Alaska, and the front range of the Colorado Rockies.
We live in Eagar, Arizona. 85925. We experience winds up to 80 mph. Temperatures get into the 90’s in the summer and down to within the -10 range. We have plenty of land. Please advise.
Our domes are rated at 115 mph, and can go higher with a cement foundation. We would recommend adding some additional fans due to the warmer climate, but we have many successful dome owners all over Arizona!
I have been in my new mountain home north of Las Vegas for 3.5 years. We frequently get high wind gusts of 90+ mph, so I’m very interested in your product.
I am retired on a fixed budget, so costs are definitely a consideration; but I know that putting up an everyday greenhouse could result in a disaster.
What options can you suggest?
Are you still in business?…we live in west central Iowa and could use a large or several of your greenhouses…we have winds sometimes to 80 mph but often at 40 – 50mph yr round…how do we get a hold of you?
Yes! We’re in Southwest Colorado, but have domes all over the US, Canada and in several other countries. Our domes definitely handle wind as well as snow, hail, and rain. Some of our dome owners will graciously give a tour of their dome so call us to find out where the closest dome is to you. Give us a call at 800-753-9333 or visit our website: https://growingspaces.com/
We’re on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest, also.
Do you sell these amazing domes in the UK or anywhere near Scotland on Northumberland ,
I winter we get 85 mph on occasions and usually about 50mph
I am really very very interested in this very smart greenhouse.
Thank You in anticipation .
Good morning! We do ship internationally and we have international partners. The founder of our company actually moved his family to a remote and beautiful place called Scoraig on the northwest coast of Scotland in the 1960s! As far as buying a dome, our closest manufacturing partner would be Les Serres Domes in France. Here’s the link to their website: https://www.serresdomes.com/
You can also visit our International page on our website. Feel free to call us with any questions. I suggest asking if we know of any domes in your area! They can also let you know about shipping costs. Here’s a link about shipping: https://growingspaces.com/greenhouse-kit-shipping/
We are in the office Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Mountain time in the US. We are closed weekends and holidays, next Monday is a holiday for us. Our phone number is 800-753-9333.
Happy gardening!
PS I get to visit Scotland next month!