recipes for the greenhouse

A Crispy Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Brussels sprouts get a bad rap. They are notorious for many kids and adults alike having utter disdain for them. Have no fear! These roasted brussels sprouts are delicious, nutritious, and easy! They melt in your mouth, have caramelized outer edges, and a little crunch at first bite. I’m willing to bet, these little bites of goodness will convert any Brussels sprout hater.

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Fried Green Tomatoes: Not the Movie But Just as Good!

My family comes from a long line of deep-fried southern cooking. A whole lot of comfort food made with butter, buttermilk, cream, lard, and pretty much anything that would clog your arteries. Tastes great but we have to be practical about our health these days and try to incorporate some healthy substitutions that will make our classic dishes modern, delicious, and less fat and calorie-dense.

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Delicious Shrimp and Nasturtium Salad with Pine Nuts

Working at Growing Spaces for more than a decade has allotted me many exciting perks. The one I enjoy the most is having access to fresh produce, veggies, herbs, greens, and fruits all year round. For many years, I have walked into the Growing Dome, like it was the grocery store, at lunchtime and hand-picked my lunch. This shrimp and nasturtium salad is one of my favorite easy Dome Grown recipes.

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Lumpia: Vegan Filipino Egg Rolls

Lumpia – Vegan Filipino Egg Rolls I am a massive fan of any spring roll or fresh roll. But this time of year, they aren’t the first dish that comes to mind. The weather often inspires my appetite. When it’s cold outside, I usually yearn for comfort food like chili, soup, hot tea, etc. Lumpia...

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