planting guide

How to Grow Carrots in a Greenhouse

Carrot Daucus carota is an edible plant from the Apiaceae family. Carrot seeds should be direct sown in your Dome in spring or fall. They grow best in the center zone of your Dome in sandy loam soils that are well drained and prefer a lot of sun in the cooler seasons. The seeds are tiny, and seedlings should be thinned to 3" apart and can be harvested 50-75 days from seed. 

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How To Grow Fig Trees In Your Greenhouse

Fig trees are one of the best ways to achieve summer shade and stabilized temperatures in your Growing Dome Greenhouse. They are forgiving in depleted dry soil conditions, extreme heat or cold, and inadequate ventilation conditions. Fig trees are relatively disease and pest resistant. They produce broad leaves at the perfect time in the spring to provide natural shade for your plants and lose them just in time for fall when you need more sun. Figs thrive in full sun and make delicious fruit. It is hard to imagine a better fruit tree for dome greenhouse growing.

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