pesticide free gardening

Replenish Your Garden’s Footprint

Let’s start out by first acknowledging that gardening is an inherently Earth-friendly activity. The basic acts of turning the soil, sowing seeds, watering, and nurturing the plants literally consists of acting in a loving, gentle and kind way toward the Earth. Gardening is also eco-friendly in less direct but as conspicuous ways. The most obvious...

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Control Whitefly Infestation Naturally

Whitefly infestations can be recognized when a plant is disturbed and a giant cloud of tiny flies fills the air. Although the Whitefly hatches and lives in the soil, it feeds on the undersides of foliage and often leaves a sticky residue. Unfortunately, this residue attracts aphids, and the aphid + residue combination attracts ants....

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Maintaining a Healthy Garden

WATCH WHAT “CIDE” YOU’RE ON or Maintaining a Healthy Garden in a World of Chemicals   I don’t care what Punxsutawney Phil said, I’m dreaming of a green garden. I see fields of snow melting away to crocus and daffodils and emerging grasses, or are they weeds! Quick, to the herbicide. Ah, digging in the...

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