nasturtium recipes

The Best Nasturtium Pesto Flatbread Pizza

We took inspiration from a dish that Angela Pferdt (@Santa_Woodz) made us during our visit. Here we have turned these mildly spicy flowers into pesto flatbreads, but the nasturtium pesto makes a great addition to pasta, salads, sandwiches, and so much more!  Nasturtiums are a great plant to grow in your Growing Dome greenhouse. They...

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Nasturtium Spring Rolls with Thai Peanut Sauce

This bright, satisfying, yet light lunch keeps you going through your afternoon or you can use it as an appetizer to a favorite Thai dinner entree or even pho. Nasturtium spring rolls are perfect for any warm spring or summer afternoon or evening. Easy to make, the nasturtium packs a punch that is unexpected in A spring roll. They are so pretty you may not want to eat them but they are equally as delicious! 

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Delicious Shrimp and Nasturtium Salad with Pine Nuts

Working at Growing Spaces for more than a decade has allotted me many exciting perks. The one I enjoy the most is having access to fresh produce, veggies, herbs, greens, and fruits all year round. For many years, I have walked into the Growing Dome, like it was the grocery store, at lunchtime and hand-picked my lunch. This shrimp and nasturtium salad is one of my favorite easy Dome Grown recipes.

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