
How to Make Kale Taste Good: Colcannon and Kale Chips

If you are like me and do not love the taste of kale, it is a great veggie to mix into other dishes that you normally eat. Colcannon is a traditional Irish dish that combines kale with, my favorite vegetable, potatoes! While Nancy’s kale chips are extremely simple to make and satisfy the need for a crunch.

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Bok Choy Wonton Soup

Wontons, dumplings, pot stickers, or whatever you prefer to call them are delicious, satisfying, and fun to make. This winter we have a lot of nutritious greens, herbs, and veggies to choose from in our Growing Dome gardens. Bok choy is delicious, easy to grow, and can be used in all types of recipes from soups to salads and stir-fries. 

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Dome-Made Salsa with Air Fried Chips

Lucky for us, it’s tomato season in our Domes right now, and if you are like us, you have a variety of vine-ripened tomatoes from your Growing Dome. If you haven’t tried a Dome-grown tomato, you are missing out. The filtered light and temperature in the Dome make a perfect environment to ripen your tomatoes. They are far more flavorful and delicious than any tomatoes at the market or even in the outdoor garden. We also have fantastic fresh garlic, cilantro, and onion that we harvested from the Dome. They make the absolute best fresh salsa! 

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Chard is the New Kale: Chard, Bread Crumbs, Parmesan, and Lemon Salad

This rainbow & swiss chard salad is delicious and a fantastic way to use fresh, vibrant, and sometimes underutilized vegetables. Move over, kale! Swiss chard is the new super green! Chard is known to be bitter, so it is often left out of raw, cold salads. However, combining it with lemon zest, Parmesan, and olive oil relaxes the chard and takes away the bitterness. Give it a try. This summery, satisfying salad just might become your new go-to!

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