It is obvious that we live in unprecedented times. The combination of environmental and economic degradation are catalysts to review how we do business as well as how we live our lives.
Growing Spaces has always been “alternative” in a way because we have a product that uses and teaches the use of natural energy systems in order to provide the freedom and safety of fresh organic food all year round. The choice to be independent and self-sufficient has been attractive to a certain segment of society, but now that need is growing. The effect of pesticides and chemical-based processes on our food has created a healthcare crisis. The effect of fast food on our nation and the global evidence of birth defects and disease, call for a very different approach to feeding the world. Our sales people say that they aren’t selling, they are educating as our customers reach for new solutions for their personal health.
Our greenhouse business and our product focuses on the beauty of being small, local, sustainable, and aware. Maintaining the intimacy and motivation of a closely held business is a challenge as we grow to produce more and become a second stage business. What strikes me most is that we are growing from the inside out, rather than the outside in.
That is, our values-centered approach means a certain understanding and empowerment among employees that generates such enthusiasm and creativity, we consider it part of our wealth. Who wouldn’t want to work in a place that they look forward to growing in? Our emphasis on communication and the creative process are a part of the culture we have created as a team. We attempt to see problems as opportunities for the whole group, even as we face challenging times.
Our corporate culture is difficult to describe, but real. We will endeavor to clarify and describe it more in future entries. What fun!
Puja Dhyan