Floating Gardens: The Sustainable Food Production Secret of the Ancients
This innovative farming technique, the floating gardens of Xochimilco, has supported thriving civilizations for centuries.
This innovative farming technique, the floating gardens of Xochimilco, has supported thriving civilizations for centuries.
Carrot Daucus carota is an edible plant from the Apiaceae family. Carrot seeds should be direct sown in your Dome in spring or fall. They grow best in the center zone of your Dome in sandy loam soils that are well drained and prefer a lot of sun in the cooler seasons. The seeds are tiny, and seedlings should be thinned to 3" apart and can be harvested 50-75 days from seed.
Transplanting seedlings and direct sowing are the two main methods of introducing plants to your small garden. Transplanting is the process of planting a baby plant, or starts, into your garden. In comparison, direct sowing is the process of planting seeds in your garden.
Aphids are tiny soft shell bugs that usually attach themselves to the underside of leaves. They can spread disease and damage plants, mostly by weakening plants or trees. Aphids do not often kill plants unless they are very young sprouts. Aphids suck the sap from the plant and refine it into honey. There are many different reasons aphids develop, but luckily there are also plenty of ways to get rid of aphids.
Plants grown in greenhouses are more susceptible to powdery mildew and a range of other fungal infections due to a variety of factors. I would like to explain and share several methods to prevent it and enjoy your greenhouse garden year-round.
Pill Bugs or roly poly bugs are hard-shell crustaceans and decomposers. They exist everywhere and are part of the group of creatures that break down dead organic matter into soil. They can become destructive. Here are a few ways to get roly poly bugs under control and enjoy a healthy thriving garden
Healthy soil contains organic matter that retains moisture longer, even in extreme climates or weather conditions, unlike Hydrophobic soil, which is dry soil that does not want to take in water. This happens when the bacteria and fungal life in your soil die off from lack of moisture. There are many different degrees of hydrophobic soil and many ways to fix it.
My husband, Rex Inman, and I own Fogwood Food, LLC. We specialize in growing specialty crops, things like asparagus, ghost peppers, oyster mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, and baby ginger...but, particularly Shiitake mushrooms.
The question of whether or not to grow sage is pretty cut-and-dry (pun totally intended) because it's got so many uses. Beyond its beauty in the garden, sage is a sacred plant, a valued seasoning, and an herb with therapeutic properties. Learn more about how to grow sage.
Floating Island Plants for Your Pond Maintaining a healthy above ground pond in our domes depends on numerous factors. One of the most common questions we are asked pertains to controlling the algae growth in the pond garden. Floating pond planters are a perfect way to keep the algae away and add beauty! Why do...
It’s here, the dreaded cold and flu season. I got an early start this year after countless hours in the airport traveling back and forth from Thailand. After two weeks of spicy flu fighters and immune boosters in Asia, I was inspired to come home and share them with you. So, here they are, my...
Use our super-secret checklist to ensure a thriving winter garden in your Growing Dome Greenhouse A warm getaway spot is a necessity for gardeners in states where winters consist of low temperatures or heavy snowfall. Your Growing Dome is just that. The perfect winter garden getaway. 1. Do you need Supplemental Heat in your winter...